Meet the Royal Pack

Princess Nina of InaNina was the first yorkie to join the family.  This long awaited companion was called Princess Nina, however, she was treated like a queen.  Nicknamed "The Faithful One" for her love and devotion to the family…

Princess Nina of Ina

Nina was the first yorkie to join the family.  This long awaited companion was called Princess Nina, however, she was treated like a queen.  Nicknamed "The Faithful One" for her love and devotion to the family and it was the family's love and devotion to her that started them on this whole yorkie journey.   

Jesse,  Prince of InaJesse was more like an outlaw than a prince.  Touch him and he would growl as if there was a little motor inside of him.  He loved people but didn't have too much love for other dogs or cats.  Jesse was …

Jesse,  Prince of Ina

Jesse was more like an outlaw than a prince.  Touch him and he would growl as if there was a little motor inside of him.  He loved people but didn't have too much love for other dogs or cats.  Jesse was only 6 pounds but he thought he was a German Shepherd.  He truly was a big dog in a little dog's body!

Sir Rudolph, Duke of InaRudy was the smartest and most expressive dog of the pack. He was the third dog to enter the family.  He would look at you with his light brown "people eyes" and you really felt like he understood what you were saying to…

Sir Rudolph, Duke of Ina

Rudy was the smartest and most expressive dog of the pack. He was the third dog to enter the family.  He would look at you with his light brown "people eyes" and you really felt like he understood what you were saying to him.  Rudy was long and lean with beautiful golden hair.  He grew into a loyal and fiercely protective companion. 

Lady Mia, Duchess of InaThis exquisite "itsy-bitsy" was thought to be a teacup, however, topping out at ten pounds, she was more like a teapot.  She was sweet to everyone but the object of her affection was her human daddy, Stephen.  …

Lady Mia, Duchess of Ina

This exquisite "itsy-bitsy" was thought to be a teacup, however, topping out at ten pounds, she was more like a teapot.  She was sweet to everyone but the object of her affection was her human daddy, Stephen.  They were inseparable and shared a very special connection...a connection that lasted a lifetime. 

Lady Chloe, Countess of InaClo was a unique little creature.  A true teacup in size, however, she was 3 pounds of independence and grit.  A tough cookie who appointed herself the leader of the pack...definitely not your typical l…

Lady Chloe, Countess of Ina

Clo was a unique little creature.  A true teacup in size, however, she was 3 pounds of independence and grit.  A tough cookie who appointed herself the leader of the pack...definitely not your typical lap dog.  The other dog's knew who was in charge because they would step aside to let her pass by...  Amazing!

King Maksim I of BlackRock Known to the family as "The Happy Dog", Max was certainly not shy...Bring out the camera and he will start to pose like a pro.  He prefers women of all ages.  The only one of the dogs who also loves playing …

King Maksim I of BlackRock

Known to the family as "The Happy Dog", Max was certainly not shy...Bring out the camera and he will start to pose like a pro.  He prefers women of all ages.  The only one of the dogs who also loves playing with toys, especially his fuzzy leopard bone.  He is the man of the house and the King in every sense of the word.